For over 30 years Robot Coupe U.S.A. has made the metro Jackson, Mississippi area its home. Throughout these years, Robot Coupe has been the foodservice industry leader in the development and refinement of commercial food processors and vegetable preparation units.
Robot Coupe U.S.A. was founded by Jackson residents Rollins Brown, Bill Gilmore and Dan Bounds. After seeing the Robot Coupe food processor in action at LeRuth’s Restaurant in New Orleans, the three partners in conjunction with Robot Coupe France established a new company, Robot Coupe U.S.A., to market this amazing new product to the American market. When the Robot Coupe commercial food processor was developed, it was a totally new concept since food preparation-slicing, dicing, shredding, and grating-was done by hand making it very labor intensive. Robot Coupe U.S.A. introduced and promoted the commercial food processor to the North American continent by demonstrating it at various shows, seminars, and conventions throughout the country and made the name Robot Coupe synonymous with commercial food processors.

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